polka dot blot

Monday, July 30, 2012

It's the little things...

Yesterday we got back from a fantastic vacation with Tanya and John.  It was the first time I'd been away from the kids for more than 3 days.  Luckily we were busy the whole time and when we did hear from the kids it sounded like they were doing good.  On the 12 hour ride home I just kept thinking how much I just love them and how lucky I am to have them.  Those two little people have made me a better person and their hearts are so big.  Pulling into the drive to see them and Klark bouncing up and down and he just came running to me.  He kept telling me he loved me and missed me.  When we got home Kenady snuggled up to me and said she was glad I was home.  The love that those two little ones give is ridicoulous and I'm so lucky to be loved by them.  I decided today that I wanted to do something with them today that we would have no distractions of other people and I could just watch and listen to them.  We went to Hartman Reserve and decided to go on "an adventure" in the trails.  Kenady brought her binocolars and shared them with Klark.  Kenady would make "bird calls" while Klark looked for them to come.  They would help each other and me up and down the paths.  They got excited over an acorn in the path.  They got excited over a bee on a flower.  They got excited going over a "magic bridge".  They got excited watching a squirrel chase another squirrel.  They said they needed to bring their dad there because he would think it was so awesome.  Since I've been home with the kids I've made an effort to make sure the kids are interacting with other kids and going different places.  We have done everything from museums to parks, to the pool, to going to movies, but I have to say "our adventure" today was by far the best thing we've done yet.  Sometimes it's good to just slow down and enjoy the little things in a big way...

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