polka dot blot

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Klark 19 Months Old

Klark is not only a good housekeeper
He is my little superman

Klark is getting so big and as much as I miss the baby stages I think it just keeps getting better as he gets older. He is so loving and playful. He still is a mama's boy and follows me around like a lost puppy. He is getting really good at giving kisses and hugs. I'm pretty sure his sister taught him that because every night when we tell him its night night time he has to go give his sister a kiss and a hug first. Hem n has become a lot more social as well--he says hi to everyone and just loves all the babies at his day care. He still carries his blanket everywhere and still loves his Elmo doll the most. He has branched out to a few of his sisters babies and a few bears but Elmo is still his favorite. He loves rough housing with his dad and gets this crazy face on when he gets really excited and is about to attack. I hope to get it on camera some day. He is also a great helper. He loves to help me sweep or clean the dishes. His favorite is to put fruit in the bowl after I cut it up after getting it at the store. He pulls up his stool and gets ready. I'm ready for this getting older to slow down a bit :)

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