polka dot blot

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Klarkys 1st Steps!

I woke up the little man--or should I say big walker

Tonite we went over to Rex & Glenda's for a pre-thanksgiving dinner and Klarky did what we have been waiting the last week for him to do. He took his first steps without any help. He did it in the kitchen of his Grandma's house. He was so proud of his self and had a big old teeth smile on the whole time. It was too cute!! Glenda then told me that Liza took her first steps at her Grandma Kanes house and she died the next day. Luckly Klarkys Grandma and Grandpa are healthy and will get to see him walk a long time :) When we got home I went to go check in on him while he was sleeping and I think he might have heard me crying because I woke him up. It's been a big week at the Kane's with Kenady getting potty trained and talking so much more and Klarky walking its hard for me to take in how fast they are growing up. It's hard to beleive that less than a year ago Klark was born. He completes our family and I just can't wait for all the different "steps" he takes in his life.

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