polka dot blot

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Klark 8 Months Old and the Kitty Saga Continues

The kitties scratching her doen't even phase her
Kenady holding her baby

Kitty not sure about it's "owner"
Klark and his cute little curves

Smile big boy!

Klark and his mama

Klark is 8 Months old already---I can't believe it! He still loves all his little people towns including his sisters doll house for little people. He has mastered the army crawl and is starting to try out his knees more every once in awhile. He has also started to really become a mama's boy...I'm not complaining. He always crawls after me and wants me to hold him. I actually love it! He continues to think his sister is a comedian and laughs at everything she does. His favorite food is probably sweet potatoes, but we have yet to find something he won't eat yet. He does really good at BEST Kids, he gets a lot of attention every morning when we come in. His sister however is very protective and let's everyone know that Klark is hers!

The kitty saga also continues. If you look back you will see super cute little black kitties. Well the kitties are getting bigger and a lot harder to catch. Kenady is finally somewhat holding them properly instead of by the neck. She still thinks they are her kitties...which is fine as long as they continue to live at the neighbors!

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