polka dot blot

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday Morning Pancakes!

Dad I need more!
These are really good it makes my hair stand straight up!
Enough photos I need to concentrate!

Well Kenady had a very busy weekend. She went to the birthday party Friday night. Saturday she ate pancakes with dad. Then we went to church to see Uncle John be awarded the distinguished Alumni award. She was very proud. She only talked during church when they are talking about her uncle. Then she got to spend the night in Fairbank with her Grandma and Grandpa and some of her cousins. Then Nick and I went and got her in Cedar Rapids where she was visiting Grammie. Nick's Grandma just had surgery to remove the cancer in her lung. I could not believe how good she looked for just having surgery. She showed me her incsion which was gross, but other than that she looked great! We hope for a speed recovery for Grammie!

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