polka dot blot

Friday, January 30, 2009

Little Miss A

The happy little family!
Best friends with their girls.
Uncle Justin and Kenady

We just got back from visiting Adelyn and she is such a doll. Hopefully next time we visit she will have her eyes open. Mel looks great--so did Justin. Nick and Justin are already talking about how the girls will not be dating and will be joining the nunnery. Oh boy!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Welcome Baby Tagtow!

Yes she is eating her wipes.

Today Kenady got a new girlfriend. Baby Tagtow was born this afternoon. Kenady was so excited with the news that she peed herself. The named her Adelyn Elizabeth Tagtow.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blue Eye Beauty

I can't help it. She's my girl!

Saturday Morning Pancakes!

Dad I need more!
These are really good it makes my hair stand straight up!
Enough photos I need to concentrate!

Well Kenady had a very busy weekend. She went to the birthday party Friday night. Saturday she ate pancakes with dad. Then we went to church to see Uncle John be awarded the distinguished Alumni award. She was very proud. She only talked during church when they are talking about her uncle. Then she got to spend the night in Fairbank with her Grandma and Grandpa and some of her cousins. Then Nick and I went and got her in Cedar Rapids where she was visiting Grammie. Nick's Grandma just had surgery to remove the cancer in her lung. I could not believe how good she looked for just having surgery. She showed me her incsion which was gross, but other than that she looked great! We hope for a speed recovery for Grammie!

Happy Birthday Eric

The Bonzer's
Kenady and Dad!
Nick showing he wouldn't mind holding two babies.

We switched!
Heidi looks cute. I wish she would be our neighbor!

So we have got through the weddings, most of the baby showers, and now begins the 30th birthdays we will be attending. This is the 2nd on in a couple of months and I think Eric was pretty surprised.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kenady is 11 Months Old

Her Madagascar Penguin--Just smile and wave boys!
Blowing her cheaks her new thing she learned from Justin!
Playing with her farm.

Today is one month before turning the big 1!! She is sooo fun to be around. She is smiley and loving all the time. Her new things this month are pulling herself up on the couch and furniture and pulling everything down she can. She has also learned how to climb up the stairs. Her favorite toys right now are her farm with the little people and her piggy bank that counts. Each month keeps getting better. I love her so much. Here are a few pics from her 11 month birthday note she is still crazy even with her jammies on!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kenady & Madilyn

Saturday Night Lua Party!

Does it get any cuter than this?

Kenady is getting annoyed!

Madilyn fighting the lion!
Stick them Up!

They both had their workout clothes on!
Both getting ready to eat.
Mom I need you to hold me also.

Tonite Madilyn and her mom and dad came over. Whenever the girls are together we have to always get a lot of pictures!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Favorites!

Timeout Kenady is in the dishwasher.
Should I do it?

Dad is working and on the phone--Kenady doesn't care.

I love Laundry basket rides!

Can you say no to these big blue eyes?

Playing catch with Dad!

Yah I'm so good!

Little trouble passing it back!

Kenady has two fun games that she played tonite and was cracking herself up along with mom and dad. The first game is playing catch--Dad will roll the ball to her and then she starts laughing and pretends like she is going to throw it back. The 2nd game is laundy basket rides. This isn't the first time she's played this, but this is the first time when she is trying to stand up while getting basket rides. She makes me so nervous!! She is getting so big...I wish she would quit growing so fast. Just about every month I say I want Kenady to stay like she is forever and the next month I change my mind and think this is the best month. I can truly say it just keeps getting better, I'm sure I'll change my mind at age 13 or even 2 for that matter. For the time being we are having a lot of fun watching Kenady grow and learning new things everyday. :) P.S. in the middle of writing this blog I had to stop because Kenady was trying to climb into the dishwasher while Nick was loading it. Never a dull momment!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Party Animal!
Happy New Year!
New Years Day 2009 Carter loses his first tooth!!!
I hope the tooth fairy brings you lots of money!!

What a great year!!!