Hula Hoop Time
Brady Kies, Estelle Miller, Miss Katie holding Ava Bonzer, Emma S. Jarrett Kies, Miss Stephanie holding Kenady, Harris Oakes, Erik Wasendorf
Miss Lauren with the kids
Kenady being crazy
Audrey W. Klark, Kenady, and Ben in the duck pond
Kenady and Harris fishing with Miss Tina
Klark eating some of his winnings from the cake walk
So I know I've said this a lot, but the kids have the BEST day care. Last months theme was the circus so they ended the month having a carnival. There was a cake walk, duck pond, fishing, and bean bag toss. They got some "awesome" prizes as Kenady said including some cool shades. The next day they got to go to messy mornings at the Hearst Center. Kenady made me a bracelet and told me she made it just for me. It was awesome. I never thought a few beads and spool with a string would be the most beautiful bracelet I have recieved. Nick took the morning off to be a volunteer. He informed me he was the only man there, but seemed to have fun and was able to snap some pictures for me.