This summer Kenady has a new obsession! Kittys! I'm not a huge fan--I like kittens but then they turn into cats which I"m not as fond of. This obsession all started when Kenady was out at her Grandma Mary's and the neighbors cat came to visit. Kenady would kneel down and say here kitty kitty and rub her leg. The kitty would rub up against her leg and she just loved it!! Well that was about a month ago and since then whenever we go to Grandma Mary's she gets out of the car and says here kitty kitty! Our neighbors also just had some kittys so we have had to take daily walks over to see if we can find them. Then today we had a shower for one of my best friends Tara Viet at her parents house. I was warned that their where baby kitties and they needed a good home. Kenady of course was excited to go over to their house and I couldn't believe her--she held the kitty and showed her brother. She is a lot braver than I am. She just got the biggest kick out of it and finally her and Viet had to take the Kitty back to the barn because Kenady was wearing it out (holding it a little to tight). She was sad to say goodbye to the kitty but she told us the kitty was tired. I'm afraid we might have to go back out to Shelly's house before the summer is over!