polka dot blot

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lovin the Lake!

Kenady and Dad getting ready to fish!
Fishing with Dad!
This is the only pic I got of my cutie patootie Lauren--she loves me!
Good morning sleeping heads--Kenady watching cartoons with her friends!

This last weekend we went down to our friend Shan's families lake house in Missouri. We had a great time and it was fun to spend some time with our friends and their kids. It seems like we spend less time together now that we all have kids, but I thought it was fun to see them all and play with them. We are lucky to have great friends and I can't wait to watch all the kids grow up together!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

18 Month Beauty!

Okay before I even start I know I've been slacking at blogging---but it's been a crazy last couple months. First and for most as you can see below we are expecting and super excited!! 2nd we just moved into our new house and are trying to get settled! 3rd--probably the biggest reason of all I can't find my stupid battery charger for my camera. I'm bound and determinded to find it this weekend or I'm heading to best buy to get a new battery or camera!

So this month about my little beauty--she just keeps getting cuter and cuter and more fun to be around. She loves and I mean loves her new house! She gets to run around on a little more than an acre, has a new swing set and finally gets all her outside toys out to play with. Kenady will pretty much every night go stand by the door till we go outside. She has even started bringing us our shoes. She is really starting to talk more lately and even making sense! We have also attempted putting her on her princess potty chair a couple of times but she would rather just put her babies in the potty. We are going to start getting a little more serious about it now that we are a little more settled in because she has been wanting to take her diaper off and then goes and stands in the bathroom and usually pees on the floor. Which is awesome. Anyways---it's been another great month and can't wait to see what she does this month!!

Big Sis

Well we are at the half way point of #2 baby Kane to arrive. Kenady is going to be an awesome big sister. Kenady is so sweet with little kids (littler than her I guess). We are all really excited. I've been feeling really good and getting anxious to meet our next adventure. We have a brand new house that they will be able to run around and grow up at so that makes me even more excited! They will be just about 2 years apart-I'm due in January and Kenady is going to be 2 in February. We are looking for name suggestions so send them our way...both boy and girl since we aren't going to find out again!